< Haberlere dön | 27. Mart 2017 |
Database of Kc values for the QUNDIS heat cost allocators extended
An update of our well-known database (Version 14.2) of Kc values for QUNDIS heat cost allocators is now available to providers of metering services. The new data is now available for downloading from the QDC Download Center at qdc.qundis.com. You will find the Changelog file here.
In the database QUNDIS has included new Kc values for more than 200 radiator models from over 100 manufacturers from Germany and Europe (including Kermi, Zehnder, Purmo, Arbonia, De Longhi, Brötje). The database is the biggest of its type worldwide! For providers of metering services this offers maximum flexibility in the installation of QUNDIS heat cost allocators in apartment blocks and commercial buildings. As new radiator models are coming onto the market all the time, QUNDIS offers its customers a reporting service (tel: +49 361 / 26 280 0, or email: support@qundis.com), which enables radiator models which are not yet included to be collected and assessed.
Kc heat transmission values play an important role in consumption-based heat cost billing with heat cost allocators. They enable a precise breakdown showing how much heat each radiator in the building has emitted during the billing period. However, each model of radiator has its own heat output (Kq) in Watts. With radiators the Kc heat transmission value of the heat cost allocator varies from model to model. For example, the contact area of a panel radiator is different from that of a column radiator of the same size. Multiplication of the Kq and Kc values provides the overall assessment factor Kges, which is applied for the legally compliant billing of incidental costs. The technical basis for radiator identification and assessment for electronic heat cost allocators is provided by European standard DIN 834.
In Germany QUNDIS GmbH is among the country’s most successful suppliers of heat cost allocators, heat meters and water meters for billing of heat and water consumption. Its customer base includes metering services, OEM partners and the housing industry. Innovation is a central component of the QUNDIS corporate philosophy, which was confirmed at Germany’s 2016 SME Summit when the Erfurt company was awarded the TOP 100 Prize. QUNDIS remote meter reading systems, which also include smoke alarms, are in reliable operation in more than 6 million residential units in over 30 countries.